Benearrivati. Accomodatevi. Il nostro salotto e' aperto a tutti gli amici che lo vorranno frequentare. Io sono Aroka e io Delfi. Siamo comodamente sedute e aspettiamo di condividere con voi le nostre curiosita' e conoscenze, di percorrere col vostro aiuto e la vostra compagnia un po' di strada insieme. La nostra libreria sara' sempre a vostra disposizione. Ogni giorno sfoglieremo qualche pagina di libro, augurandoci di poter discutere con voi di vari argomenti.

martedì 16 aprile 2013

il giardino delle rose


  Dal giardino di Quado oggi ho scelto questa bellissima rosa bianca.

  Ecco cosa ci dice:

You Are Perfect in Your Imperfections

Right now, as you read these words, open up the crown of your head and accept the energy of your soul self as it pours down and clears away any thoughts of your own imperfection.
You are perfect in your imperfections.  Your so-called failures are but steps along the path of learning.  And your perceptions of failure are but judgments against a false standard.
You are perfect exactly as you are.  You are deeply loved no matter what you do or do not do. You are who you are and no more is asked of you. 
How could there be more?  You are exactly as you need to be in this moment.  You are standing exactly where you need to stand to take the next step.  Accept yourself as you are and move forward.  Be glad to be who you are and know that you are deeply treasured, just as you are.
You are who you are and it is good.

Here is a little prayer for today:
Today, I open to my higher self, my soul self, and I ask that this presence be felt consciously within me all day.  I ask that I may be aware of my own beauty, perfection and power in every moment.  I ask that I may be filled with the pure love of the universe and that it may be the foundation of everything that I do, all day.
I release all judgments I have made about myself.  I release the past and any concerns I have.  I release all of that and embrace this new day in all its glory and wonder.  I love myself.  I love my life.  And I know I am deeply connected to all that is.
I am perfect just as I am.  I am.
Quado's garden


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