Benearrivati. Accomodatevi. Il nostro salotto e' aperto a tutti gli amici che lo vorranno frequentare. Io sono Aroka e io Delfi. Siamo comodamente sedute e aspettiamo di condividere con voi le nostre curiosita' e conoscenze, di percorrere col vostro aiuto e la vostra compagnia un po' di strada insieme. La nostra libreria sara' sempre a vostra disposizione. Ogni giorno sfoglieremo qualche pagina di libro, augurandoci di poter discutere con voi di vari argomenti.

giovedì 18 aprile 2013

la foresta incantata

Eccoci all'appuntamento della foresta incantata.

Oggi l'animale che mi aiuterà con le sue caratteristiche  e la sua energia è

The Dolphin

Joy Clarity Synchronicity

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the dolphin fill you. 

Ah, how fortunate you are to have the dolphin as your power animal. Leap for joy!
The dolphin is so full of joy, he cannot help but leap into the air, just for the sheer pleasure of being alive. Allow this vibrant life force to fill you, making you feel and know the privilege it is to be drawing one more breath in this precious life. Let the dolphin teach you this deep abiding joy.
The dolphin is also a wonderful communicator. He will teach you to listen to others and then to respond in a way which they will understand. With the dolphin within you, words will flow more easily. You will come into your own power as a communicator of both feelings and ideas, as his intelligence fills you with confidence in expressing yourself.
The dolphin is attuned to others, instinctively knowing just the right moment to leap into the air, so that the entire group moves in effortless harmony. Let the dolphin teach you this intuitive synchronicity with others, moving at one with them and understanding what drives them and what moves them.
Love your life! Leap for joy! You are the dolphin.

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